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Swiss relax controls on trucks

7th March 1996, Page 8
7th March 1996
Page 8
Page 8, 7th March 1996 — Swiss relax controls on trucks
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Hauliers to Switzerland should soon be able to take advantage of a more relaxed approach by its Government to the control of trucks.

In what is seen as a first sign of easing the country's rigid adherence to a 28tonnes gross weight limit, a Swiss Government delegation to an EU enquiry in Brussels last week consented to an enlargement of the border zone.

Under the present arrangement, vehicle combinations of up to 40tonnes gvw have been able to work to and from transshipment centres in a 10km strip of the border region. The new proposals are said to allow "heavies" to pene

trate deeper in to Switzerland.

Examples of the new, more liberal zoning could extend as far as Olten, in the north west of the country, and Lausanne in the west.