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Short sighted

7th March 1996, Page 27
7th March 1996
Page 27
Page 27, 7th March 1996 — Short sighted
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

As a regular reader of your magazine for over 30 years and being a holder of PCV and LGV licences I was horrified to read about the DOT proposals regarding the new eye tests.

I have worn glasses for two years and feel that myself and others are being discriminated against for wearing them. I have perfect vision with glasses and the test should take account of this. It is a nonsense that part of the test has to be taken without them.

Driving is a way of life for me: I've been in transport since leaving school. I don't want any other type of job and hone that CM will fight to change the Government's ruling and allow grandfathers' rights, as will happen in the rest of Europe.

I already have over 20 names on a petition regarding this matter and would be obliged if you could direct me where I can post it for it to be most effective. I will get many more names and hope with your magazine's help that others will do likewise to defeat this ruling.

V Radzynski Edinburgh I suggest you direct any correspondence to Roads Minister Steven Norris at the Depathnent of Transport—Ed