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.Local Proceedings.

7th March 1922, Page 8
7th March 1922
Page 8
Page 8, 7th March 1922 — .Local Proceedings.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Leeds Watch Committee has authorized the purchase of a motor ambulance.

Leeds Fire Brigade Committee has purchased a motor lorry for £900 from Leyland Motors, Ltd.

Salford Corporation ,proposes to borrow £4,180 to cover the cost of the erection of a motor garage and repair shop.

Leeds Corporation Cleansing Committee has decided to purchase a Lacre motor road sweeper at the price of £650.

Wa.11aieey Corporation Gas Committee recommends the purchase of a 1-ton Ford lorry for £237 10s. from C. F. Rymer, Ltel.

The Hull Corporation is purchasing a 5-ton Sentinel hydraulic tipping wagon, whirl makes the Corporation's eighth repeat order..

Halifax Corporation Tramways Committee has referred tenders for a singledeck motorbus to a sub-committee with power to ad.

Leeds Watch Committee has decided to convert the Cadillac car at the fire station into a prison van at a cost not exceeding £150.

Cambridge Corporation Highways Committee has decided in next year's estimates to provide for the earchsee of two or three electric vehicles.

Kent -County Council has decided to purchase a Fp-den steam wagon from the Disposals Board for £400, and a light commercial vehicle at an estimated cost of £300.

Salford Corporation Highways Committee recommends accepting the tender of Aveling and Porter, Ltd., for a compound 8-ton steam-roller, with scarifier, for £1,217 14s_

The General Committee of the Calcutta Municipal Council has accepted the tender of Messrs, McKenzie and Co. of 22.628 rupees, for the supply of a Co., gully cleansing machine fitted with appliances for road -watering.

Officials of the Birmingham City Council and representatives from neigh bouring authorities attended a demonstration of the Karrier motor road sweeper and sprinkler, and the tests to which it was subjected were performed satisfactorily.

Straker-Squire, Ltd., have just received a repeat order from the Leigh fLancs.) Corporation for six single-deck buses on the A-type chassis. The bodies will have front and rear entrances_ This corporation is already running six Straker-Squire buses in Lancashire.

Johannesburg Corporation has accepted the tender of Colonial Motors, Ltd., for one Guy petrol motor chassis for £600. Twenty-two tenders in all -were received, Seven of these being for British-built vehicles, 13 for American machines, and one for a French make.

We hear that Mr. -Frank G. Woollard has made a friendly arrangement. with E. G. Wrigley and Co., Ltd., for release from his engagement as assistaet man

aging direct-or. Mr. Woollard, whose experience covers a wide field in general management, works organization, design, etc., end who 'has been personally responsible for the Wrigley publicity for the past ten years, will doubtless soon be finding a fresh outlet for his energies.