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PTFE sealants

7th July 1972, Page 96
7th July 1972
Page 96
Page 96, 7th July 1972 — PTFE sealants
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Pipeseal a PTFE liquid seah has been developed by the , division of Rocol Ltd to reple the PTFE tape previously us for sealing pipe connections. I liquid eliminates the tearir unwinding and bunching dise vantages associated with PT tape. It can be applied by brush — incorporated into ea tin — to the male threads of t joint; the sealants lubricati property eases the assembly a dismantling of joints, preventi galling damage and seizure threads.

When the joint has be assembled the seal will remit effective within a temperatL range of minus 200degC to pl 250degC at pressures exceedi 1000 psi.

It will provide an effecti seal, jointing plastics to meta It is not recommended 1 alcohols, polyalkylene, glycols esters.

If it is inconvenient to use t liquid, a soft white paste form available; eliminating drips runs around the joint. The pas is not recommended f alcohols, refrigerants or caus. solutions.

Marketed by: RAS Roca! Hous Swillington, Leeds LS26 8BS.