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A NEW book, "Britain's Motor NEW has been published by Clerke

7th July 1950, Page 34
7th July 1950
Page 34
Page 34, 7th July 1950 — A NEW book, "Britain's Motor NEW has been published by Clerke
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and Cockeran-PublishersLtd.. 72-78. Fleet Street, London, E.C.4, at 21s. net. Its author is H. G. Castle, and the consulting editor Lieut.-Col. D. C. McLagan, D.S.O., M.B.E.

Prepared in close collaboration with the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, and assisted by the perusal of certain transport journals. including "The Commercial Motor," it is a comprehensive story of the growth of the motor industry since its earliest years. It constitutes an interesting record of technical and legal developments, including a large number of names and products, covering even components, accessories and spare parts.

VANS FOR EXCESS BAGGAGE pERTA1N buses operated by the

Ulster Transport Authority on the Belfast Donaghadee Newcastle route, will in future be followed by light vans which will provide accommodation for heavy luggage, including prams and bicycles. Other innovations introduced by the Authority include the alternation every 15 minutes of bus and train services between Belfast and Bangor, and the provsion of bus services to meet incoming cross-Channel steamers and to connect with road and rail termini in Belfast.