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Two Advanced Refuse Collectors

7th July 1931, Page 105
7th July 1931
Page 105
Page 105, 7th July 1931 — Two Advanced Refuse Collectors
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TWO new models of essentially modern design have been added to the range of refuse-collection vehicles marketed by Eleetricars, Ltd., Lawley street, Birmingham, and these are illustrated herewith.

One picture is of an outfit incorporating a Faun body, the chassis having been specially. ,built to accommodate it. The chassis has several special features, the most important of which is frontwheel drive. This form of construction has been adopted because it gives a

much lower load-line than when the drive is taken to the rear wheels in the orthodox manner.

The Faun body has already been described in 1-'h Commercial Motor, so suffice it to say that it provides for dustless collection and incorporates Esc-Ern patent shutters. The refuse is loaded at the rear into a separate hopper which is tilted vertically, discharging the contents into the main part of the body, at the same time packing it tightly and increasing the effective capacity.

The other illustration depicts an kIectricar-Eagle outfit, in which the chassis employed is similar to that of the vehicle described above, with the exception that special provision has been made for carrying the Eagle-Neuey body. This is also equipped with EscEm patent shutters, and the body was supplied by the Eagle Engineering Co.. Ltd., of Warwick.

The features of this body are now well

known. Briefly, -it consists of a cylinder, which is made to rotate in order to pack the refuse, thereby reducing the bulk and increasing the effective capacity of the body. As in the case of the type mentioned above, the Eagle body provides for dustless

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Both these vehicles have been built to the circler. of 411r. ,C. Fox, -cleansing superintendent of the City, of Sheffield; and it is anticipated that they will meet with considerable. success. They will be exhibited at the forthcoming First International Conference on Public Cleansing; which hi to' be held at the Guildhall, London, front July .27th-31st.