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An Ingenious Clamp

7th April 1931, Page 87
7th April 1931
Page 87
Page 87, 7th April 1931 — An Ingenious Clamp
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TO machinists the problem of procuring adequate clamps for securing to the machine bed varying thicknesses of metal is always one of some concern.

A reader has made use of the type of clamp illustrated on this page ; by utilizing a variety of different-sized hexagon stock it has been possible adequately to cover almost every size of bar ordinarily required for medium machinery operations.

It will be observed that by preparing the clamp as shown it is possible to obtain, with each hexagon, a choice of six different clamping heights. Two holes for securing the fulcrum pin are provided. The chain-dotted positions of the him, as shown, indicate the optional settings which can be obtained by arranging the fiat on the hexagon in a different position on the "machine bed.

Apart from the utility of such an adjunct' to the machinist, a further advantage is that by arranging the width of each hexagon to be the same in each case, where the arm of the clamp fits, it minimizes the number of separate parts, as the same clamp arm could be employed in each instance.

Anyone interested in this fitment may communicate with the party concerned, care of the Editor; letters should be marked "Clamp."