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Vexday's two-year )Ian for overseas

6th October 1988, Page 15
6th October 1988
Page 15
Page 15, 6th October 1988 — Vexday's two-year )Ian for overseas
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I Express parcels carrier fexday is to extend its overight delivery system in to ;urope and the United States y 1990.

The network will use only fexday employees and not -anchised carriers. All Nexay's II depots in this country nd Eire are run directly. "We want a closed system there everything is owned by s. With franchising you get

problems and we have a very strict customer service system," says Nexday.

Canton says the company has no definite proposals for numbers of depots in Europe and the States, but has set a timescale of up to two years.

Nexday recently announced it was opening nine UK depots in the next 12 months, including ones at Cardiff, Newcastle and Southampton.