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Alison to launch UK's biggest training plan

6th October 1988, Page 15
6th October 1988
Page 15
Page 15, 6th October 1988 — Alison to launch UK's biggest training plan
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• A management and sales training programme for the motor industry — which, it is claimed, will be the biggest in the country within a year — is being launched by financial consultantcy Alison Associates. Alison has already won contracts to train Volvo and Peugeot staff.

Courses will be held at four regional centres and Alison plans to build its own training school in the South-East.

"We are going at this big and hard right from the start," says managing director Christopher Bennett. "Training is not a cost, it's an investment. Customers now want professionalism rather than discounts. Training is the key."

Alison believes it can move into Europe and is currently negotiating with two Continental manufacturers.

Bennet has lured John

Riches from General Motors in Zurich to head the training division. "Dealer networks will be tomorrow's battleground," says Riches. "We aim to be more than a UK training company. Our mid-term objective is to become a dealer or franchise development service group."