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More to Malta

6th October 1984, Page 10
6th October 1984
Page 10
Page 10, 6th October 1984 — More to Malta
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THE ROAD Haulage Association's conference in Malta from November 3 to 11 will have the lorry, the environment and society as its theme.

Speakers confirmed are Transport Minister Lynda Chalker, Greater London Council leader Ken Livingstone on lorry bans — concept and practice, and Bill Rodgers, vicepresident of the SDP and former Labour Transport Secretary speaking on the Alliance view on transport.

The conference's sponsor, Leyland Trucks, is sending Peter Capon, director of product development, and Transport Development Group chairman, Sir James Duncan, will speak on the future of road haulage in Britain.

The RHA said that so far 350 delegates are attending the conference (including families). It claims that demand is up by 32 per cent on last year's conference.