Working Platform Rises Over 36 Ft.
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TAKING the man to the job is the I task of the Simon hydraulic platform, built by Thomas Adshead and Sons, Ltd., Queen's Cross, Dudley, and demonstrated before large crowds last week.
Mounted on a normal chassis, designed for 3 tons or more, it is built as a rotating turret with two hinged arms of sheet steel, each operated by its own hydraulic ram. Control is from the platform by means of four pedals, two for each supporting arm, and a kneeoperated device for rotation, leaving the hands free for work. Duplicate controls are mounted on the turntable.
Power is provided by a small engine of Lister or Petter type on the turntable. This drives the hydraulic pump. Maximum platform height is 36 ft. from ground level. giving a working height of over 40 ft., and the horizontal extension can be 23 ft. from the centre of the turntable, affording a working radius of at least 25 ft. Rotation is possible continuously in either direction, providing exceptional manceuvrability.
The equipment includes hydraulic jacks for stabilizing the chassis and smaller " jacks " between the frame and rear springs for locking the springs.
The capacity of the platform is 750 lb., but tests with over four times this weight have been carried out. Cleverly arranged rods and angle pieces maintain the horizontal position of the platform. Safety is ensured by automatic cut-outs which arrest the platform if it moves beyond set limits or ascends on a solid obstruction.
The outfit costs £1,400, excluding the vehicle, but this is free of purchase tax.
BECAUSE the normal services often refuse to carry dogs, Mr. James Johnson, 132 Garbutt Street, Bradford, has applied to the Yorkshire Licensing Authority to run a twice-weekly coach service from Bradford to Thrum Hall greyhound track at Halifax for passengers and greyhounds. Stops at Bankfoot and Odsal are proposed.
The hearing is scheduled for May 13. Halifax Corporation and HebbIe Motor Services, Ltd., will object.
BUS station in South Wails, I-1 Stafford, is projected at a cost of £50,500, Cllr. R. L. Tyler told the town council last week. Operators are to be approached about a scale of charges.