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6th December 1917
Page 26
Page 26, 6th December 1917 — FOUR-WHEEL GIMBAL-DRIVE AGRIMOTOR.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• On this page we illustrate the new agrimotor which has been invented by Mr. S. J. Murphy, of the Ton lode Manufacturing Co., of Drogheda, Ireland, the inventor being shown at the wheel. It may be mentioned that this is purely an experimental model which was built to de. monstsate t h E

ssibilities of a our-wheel gumbal drive,, al. though we may relate that arrangements have been made to build an proved machine ce this description for the market theexperiments having substantiated the soundness of the, de

'signer's pr c iples.

T h e machine shown in the illustration was 6100jected to some

very severe te•sts, The Murphy gimb b u t throughout

the experiments, notwithstanding variations in the weather and condition of the soil, it was never once found necessary to resort to strakes or grips of any description to impart increased adhesion to the wheels. Of course, this satisfactory result is ex

plained by the four-wheel drive and also by the absence of the ordinary differential gear. The fourcylinder motor develops 20 hp. With transmission gears merely rough unmaehined cast iron, tie agrimotor hauled two 9-in, furrow ploughs at an average speed of 21 miles an hour. Paraffin was used as fuel, a Vulcan superheater being employed.

The new vehicles will be equipped with a worm drive, the worm shaft drivMg both rear and ,front. axles. The engine with its radiator will be. set in front of the frame longitudi

,nally instead of

transversely, as in the model de al-drive agrimotor. picted in the illustration, while the

disposition of the driving seat and steering wheel will follow mtdinary motorcar practice. The frame v.vill be of a single unit casting supported on a gimbal joint in the eentre of each axle.