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Licence to fulfil ambition

6th April 1979, Page 8
6th April 1979
Page 8
Page 8, 6th April 1979 — Licence to fulfil ambition
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A 22-year-old Cardiff whose father has set him his brother-in-law up in road haulage business cessfully applied to the de LA at Cardiff for the retu his provisional H.G.V. lice Gordon Calder of Cyn Road, Cardiff, who is a C tor told the deputy that : he had held an ordi driving licence he had convicted for speeding careless driving on sel occasions and had los licence on two occasions.

He told the court that i always been his ambition a HGV driver and he had involved with the tram business since he left se He agreed he had been ponsible but blamed it o age.

His father, William C. who supported his son's ; cation said he had spt company for his son and single share to keep an e the business. He told th puty LA that since then h become more responsibl, thought he had changed siderably since his 21st day.

Rosser John appearin Gordon Calder said he f had been given a car wh was too young, but in views he had had wit Calder he had notic change and he felt he wa. a fit and proper person t( a provisional hgv licence