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Cut rate urged on NBC

6th April 1979, Page 6
6th April 1979
Page 6
Page 6, 6th April 1979 — Cut rate urged on NBC
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

THE MUNICIPAL corn and the National Bus pany, which accounted per cent of the stage ca services, should, in the way as British Rail accept that they have ponsibility to provide versa( concessionary scheme, claimed an M week.

This should be not dis: to the one the Secret; State prescribed in his Paper, but funded financed in a similar v that used by British maintained Robert (Tory, Christchurch Lymington).

What was sauce ft British Rail goose, and v very well, should be sat the NBC gander.

William Rodgers' vie that it was the duty of tors, whether British bus services, to providl concessions as they within their own comr responsibility.

Beyond that, he said was no escape for local ( councils from proVic proper concessionar: scheme.