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Now's the time for the elbow grease

6th April 1979, Page 21
6th April 1979
Page 21
Page 21, 6th April 1979 — Now's the time for the elbow grease
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Rs on the shine for 1979 and get your emy in now for the haulagE class of CM 's famous Livery. Competition

'ICULATED VEHICLE operaare invited to enter the next s of CM's Livery Competitor vehicles operating at veen 20 and 32 tons gross. : is open to both haulage and i-account operators on iestic operation and to any -ator in Europe. The livery

d not be new but it is ortant that the vehicle is n before photography.

he rules of entry are simple. cost is minimal, the advans to the winner and those achieve commendations -evident. This is how to r: ;ubmit four 35mm colour parencies showing the t, rear and both sides of the cies; 3end a £5.00 remittance each entry; nter all the details asked for le official entry form; isure that the entry is at this e not later than 12 noon on 4.

he winner will receive a r salver and other entries receive diplomas of corndation at the judges disDn,

le judging panel is made up group of distinguished and uledgeabie designers. They videly experienced in their and spend much time in the :tion process. Their criticis constructive and even ; who fail to gain an award uently benefit from the l's comments.

object of the competition reward operators for their ts to show the better face of transport and to assist in their endeavours, is wise to engage the seri of a professional photoler, who will help to make lost of the entry.

Ie winner will be anced on June 22 in CM and presentation at a suitable e on the day.