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Wasted savings

6th April 1979, Page 11
6th April 1979
Page 11
Page 11, 6th April 1979 — Wasted savings
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

THE SAVINGS derived fron cuts in road-building ar being squandered by somo local authorities who are in traducing "complicated am costly lorry control schemes."

Controller of planning am traffic services of the Freigh Transport Association Richard Turner, made thi comment at the annua general meeting of the South Eastern branch of the Institu tion of Highway Engineers las week.

He said that financial rest rictions in recent years hac limited the money availabl( for new road building anc maintenance.

But Mr Turner could see nc sense in such nationa economies in the road programme being frittered away by local authorities at a cost tc the industry and ultimately the nation as a whole.

He said many local authorities had succumbed to public anti-lorry pressure by creating "snakes and ladders diversion" games for lorry opera tors, resulting in environmental problems often merely being moved from one sensitive area to another.

Mr Turner suggested to his audience that highway engineers had a public duty to oppose such plans.