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Deutz promises to top 400kW

5th March 1992, Page 9
5th March 1992
Page 9
Page 9, 5th March 1992 — Deutz promises to top 400kW
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• Deutz will launch a 400kW (536hp) 16-litre vee-eight engine for heavy trucks at the Hanover Show in May.

It will be part of a new family of water-cooled vee engines. The 16-litre charge-cooled unit is intended to replace Deutz's 513 series vee-eight and vee-10 engines, which are used in Iveco eight-wheelers and bonneted dump trucks.

The new engines feature a scaled-up version of the hybrid fuel system unveiled on the smaller 3,2-7.1 litre 1012/1013 series of water-cooled in-line four and six-cylinder engines which Deutz launched last year.

The camshaft has extra lobes, which activate individual fuel pump elements built into the side of the crankcase. They supply fuel at high pressure through short, hydraulically stiff pipes to orthodox Bosch injec tors. Deutz will be offering electronic fuel control and full fuel management electronics, controlling a solenoid-opened spill valve similar to that on Cummins' Celect system. This will add to the price, however.

In November CM predicted that a 12-litre straight six and 16-litre vee-eight would be available to hauliers by mid1994. Now Deutz is expected to announce an earlier date at the Hanover Show.