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TNT opens hundreds of new branches

5th March 1992, Page 46
5th March 1992
Page 46
Page 46, 5th March 1992 — TNT opens hundreds of new branches
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6 NT Express boss 1 Alan Jones cannot be expected to find time in his busy schedule to write to the Hawk more than three or four times a month — so his latest missive, on TNT's Plant a Tree scheme, is particularly welcome.

Customers using TNT's Supamail business post service will now have a broad-leaved tree planted in

their name by the Woodland Trust and will receive a certificate of planting. The Trust protects more than 470 woodlands and claims that over the past 40 years almost half of the UK's ancient broad-leaved woods have been lost.

The Hawk looks forward to landing on some of the new branches before too long.