FA pushes Leeds link
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THE FREIGHT Transport Ass ciation favours the A1/M1 lb route that brings relief to Harr gate, Knaresborough and Ripot At a public inquiry whic started last week, Bob Cros FTA's northern regional contrc ler, outlined five points in favoi of a west of Leeds link route.
The industry prefers th route, along with local authoi ties and other organisations. TIdisruption to traffic on the Al, reconstructed from Bramham 1 Dishforth, is grossly. underesl mated, Mr Cross said, and on the FTA approved route brint relief to the aforementione towns.
Lastly, the east of Leeds route neglect West Riding towns, Ba ley, Brighouse, Dewsbury, Hal fax and Huddersfield and lea' Leeds/Bradford airport isolated The FTA hopes that short-tort problems will not jeopardise th future by forcing a bad decisio on the needs of the region. Oni the west of Leeds route satisfie the needs of West Yorkshire an the country as a whole, Mr Croe said.