What price a job in haulage?
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Iwas interested to read over the past few weeks your articles on skills shortages. I forwarded a copy of your article from on the manpower crisis (CM 8-14 Jan) to Gavin Strang MP, but to date have no reply.
I commenced Class 1 training just prior to the new licensing laws in January '97 but was too late in achieving my Class 1. Since the changes I have been contemplating the money involved as it would now cost in the region of C2,000 to achieve my Class 1 licence: little, if any, incentive for me to continue.
Very little in the way of Government assistance is available to help people like myself. The only thing I can think of is a CDL (Career Development Loan), which is only a temporary bridge—if you are successful in obtaining it in the first instance. My determination to achieve my career change or goal is diminishing as [find it harder financially to afford the training costs necessary since the changes in the regulations. I find myself asking whether we are really better off in the European Union after all.
I enjoy your publication greatly, and look forward to your next issue.
S Hughes, Sheffield, South Yorks.