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Director jailed for dirty tanks

4th September 1997
Page 8
Page 8, 4th September 1997 — Director jailed for dirty tanks
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• A Maidstone-based company director who supplied tank containers to carry fuel additives and foodstuffs without proper cleaning has been jailed for nine months and disqualified from being a company director for Iwo years. Nicholas Gray forged safety certificates and provided substandard transport containers to win a £158,000 deal. Liquid tank containers were supplied to Finchley-based Primedeck Enterprises to move palm oil From Kenya to East Africa. Martin Bowyer, prosecuting, said that Gray had "scratched around" for containers to fulfil the order; nine of the tanktainers had previously been used to transport fuel. They presented ,'a considerable risk to public health", said Bowyer.

Judge Geoffrey Rivlin at Southwark Crown Court said: "It was simple commercial fraud." The tonktainers were not "fit for the transportation of palm oil or any other foodstuff", he added.