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Caught out by handwriting

4th September 1997
Page 21
Page 21, 4th September 1997 — Caught out by handwriting
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ow Using a false name on a tachograph chart has cost a Shropshire owner-driver £235 in fines and costs.

Frederick Rogerson, of Wem, admitted making a false entry on a chart when he appeared before magistrates in Matlock, Derbyshire. Prosecuting for the Vehicle inspectorate, John Heaton said the offence came to light when Rogerson's vehicle was stopped in a check on the A50 at Doverridge on 17 January. Rogerson produced two charts dated 16 January, one of which bore the name of Brian Payne. He at first maintained that Payne had done part of the driving, but Payne later denied this. When Rogerson was subsequently interviewed, he admitted putting a false name on the chart. This was a case of a false chart being entered as an "insurance", since Rogerson had not in fact exceeded his daily driving hours on that day, said Heaton.

For Rogerson, David Mather said that he hod been in partnership with his brother for the last 11 years and had never falsified a chart before. It was a clumsy attempt, with the handwriting on the two charts being the same. On the day in question, the road conditions had been very bad, said Mather. The first chart showed long periods of waiting about before loading. Rogerson was a diabetic who had a supply of insulin with him to take him up to midnight but not beyond. He had been worried, said Mather, and he panicked when he thought he would not be able to get home in the permitted hours and falsified the chart.

The magistrates fined Rogerson 2160 and ordered him to pay 275 prosecution costs.