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Standard fares on all routes

4th May 1979, Page 24
4th May 1979
Page 24
Page 24, 4th May 1979 — Standard fares on all routes
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THE FIRST steps towards a integrated bus service patter in Derby were taken last Sus day when a uniform fare scale was launched.

Derby City Transport fare are charged now on all cit area services operated b Trent Motor Traction, Barto Transport, and Felix Bus Sei vices, and old age pensionei are able to use Travel Passe which entitle them to 8p fare on all services.

The scheme is organised b Derbyshire County Counc and preserves the mileage spt of 83.34 per cent Derby Cit Transport and Trent 16.66 pE cent, but future development should see a more efficien network being evolved withi this framework.

Boarding and alighting rest rictions will be lifted on rout corridors once service revi sions take effect over the nex few years.