The Wheels of Industry.
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," continues of national importance. Its interests embrace impartially the transport wagon and the parcelcar, the military tractor and the steam lorry.
Salaams to Vol. XXI.
This issue is our 521st. Were it not that the war causes any anniversary to be marked in subdued fashion, we should have put a red star on the cover.
New Registrations.
Rubber Roadways, Ltd. (290,000), with its office at 38, Eastcheap, E.C. Fountain Garage, Ltd. (22000), with its office at 1, Carvel Lane, Cowes, Isle of lAfight.
Agricultural Labour.
The following gentlemen, who are prominent for their work on committees of the Royal Agricultural Society, have been nominated by that body to attend a conference at the Board of Agriculture, in regard to the shortage of agricultural labour : Messrs. Greaves, J. E. Cross, T. L. Aveling, Harrison and Patterson. The object of the conference is to arrange for demonstrations. of labour-saving machinery to be given at the principal agricultural shows this year.
Volunteer Transport.
The basis of organization of the City of London (Volunteer) Mechanical Transport has been settled. Convoys (six vehicles), Double convoys (12 vehicles), and Out-district convoys (6 or 12 vehicles) will be formed. The grouping will be according to make, and the convoys, other than those which are provided by individual donors, will be known as the Albion convoy, the Belsize convoy, etc., etc. Further information may be gathered from the article on page 2 of this issue. Fresh support is being promised Proposals and Purchasesb The Borough Engineer of East Ham is making inquiries about motor sweeping machines.
Walthanistow U.D.C. has taken delivery of its Clayton steam wagon, per Smith, Parfrey and Co., Ltd, Waltharnstow U.D.C. has ordered a five-ton steam wagon from Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., at 2600 inclusive of rubber tires..
The Metropolitan Asylums Board wants tenders, by not later than 10 a.m. on the 17th inst., for six ambulance chassis, two 10-passenger omnibuses, and two 16-passenger omnibuses. Forms of tender, may be obtained from the Clerk to the Board, Mr. T. Duncombe Mann.
A38, Harrod's Opinion.
Sir Alfred J. Newton, Bart., presiding at the 25th annual general meeting of Harrods Stores, Ltd., on the 26th ult., stated that many of the company's horses had been impressed by the Government, but these had not been replaced. The company had, however, made very large additions to its fleet of motorvans.
Inst. A.E. Steel Committee.
Further to our announcement of last week, the Institution of Automobile Engineers is particularly desirous that it should be known throughout the automobile industry that the objects of the Committee are primarily to secure information and to work towards agreement between the various industries concerned. The findings of the Committee will then be laid before the. Epgineering Standards Committee. There is no desire or intention to indicate the standards, but only to settle them by negotiation.
Our Fund.
Particulars of the progress of the "Campaign Comforts" Fund will be found on pages 4 and 5. Large additional despatches of comforts have been made. We answer the allegation that the A.S.C., M.T., men are se well paid that nobody should give them anything. We also reeord the 21st donation of 250, this being from. the Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd. We hope to see the .25000 raised by the and of next month ; every pound given now is worth two when the cold weather is over.
Hove Licences.
Thos. Tilling, Ltd., after a series of protracted discussions, was successful, at a special meeting of the Hove Town Council held last month, in obtaining licences for 12 motorbuses. This has taken the Loudon company three years, and success is now in a large measure due to the shortage of motorbuses, owing to impressment, at the disposal of the Brighton, Hove and Preston United Omnibus Co., Ltd, No fewer than 13 of that company's Daimler vehicles were -impressed by the Government last summer, and the whole of these vehicles were less than nine months old at the time. Competition is beneficial, we know, but a certain measure of sympathy appears to be due to the older vehicle undertaking. We understand, further, that 10
Tilling-Stevens vehicles are on order by the Brighton Co. Considerable local feeling appears to exist in regard to the granting of the 12 licences to nos, Tilling, Ltd., and much interest is undoubtedly being evinced as to whether ths,t company will also get licences in Brighton. Local difference,s and difficulties, we are told, are as far from final settlement as they have ever been.
Underground Electric Railways. The 17th annual report of the directors of the London Under ground Electric Railways Co.,Ltd., shows that, compared wit
the year 1913, the decreases of receipts were as follows for the companies in which it has holdings: London Electric Railway, £2479; Central LondOn Railway, £10,228; City and South London Railway, £9524; London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., 258,946. The effects of the war have been most serious in respect of the motorbus service. Of a, total income for the year of 1684,626 for this holding company, the L.G.O.C. produced 2256,077 and the Associated Equipment Co. 2170,000.
Pressing Demand for Chassis.
A letter from a coal merchant, who is also a removal and carting contractor, in a country town in the North of England, which we received at the end of last month, 'reads as follows : "Many thanks. f or your letter, and the advice it contained. I followed up the McCurd vehicle for sale by Morecambe Motors, Ltd., but they wanted 2625 for a chassis which cost 2575 new in August last. I am afraid, therefore, I cannot do anything there. Do you think you could possibly find me a reliable machine of recent date bearing a good name? I am overburdened with work, and hiring horses is precarious now. If it is practically out of the question to get a three-tonner, I think a two-tonner would be a great help to me, especially since my loath are nearly all one and
two-horse loads. The reason I was anxious to obtain a three-tonner was that I have a good opportunity of cultivating a bigger removal business, this being a large country district."
We have recommended this correspondent, to apply to certain makers of two-tonners, from whom we think he may get early delivery, but we have told him that he must not expect, at. such tires as the. present, to get quick delivery of any vehicle on bargain terms.
Wheels of Industry—con.
Mr. J. F. Henderson's interesting paper on "Magneto Ignition" was read at the fifth meeting of the In
stitution of Automobile Engineers, held on the 10th inst., before a large and interested audience. The discussion which ensued was informative and comprehensive. Rubberine Personnel.
In our columns last week, referring to Rubberine tire fillings, the manager of the company, owing to a printer's error, was referred to as Mr. A. T. Shanks. As many of our readers will know, this might to have read—Mr. A. T. Marks.
Fisch( r' s Wheels.
• Messrs. Carson and Evans, of 3, Fenchurch Buildings, London, E.C., ask us to remind readers of this journal that they represent the George Fischer Steel and Iron Works, Ltd., of Schaffhausen, Switzerland, in the South of England, A Dunlop Gauge.
The Dunlop Co. has perfected a now pressure gauge, and is supplying these at 5s. each, for use in conjunction with its pneumatic tires. The same company, it may be incidentally mentioned, has now completed a new range of golf balls. These are to be known as the Dunlop "31," the Dunlop " 29," and the Dunlop "floater."
Motors and the Marne.
Sir J. H. A. Macdonald, President of the Scottish Automobile Club, delivered an address on "Power Traction in War" before the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, on the evening of the 24th ult. Dr. George Neilson presided. Sir John dealt at, some length with the great value of mechanical transport for military purposes, and Colonel Ford, Commandant at Maryhill, in the course of the discussion, stated that the retreat from Mons to the Marne. which afterwards proved to be of such groat strategic importance, could never have been undertaken successfully without motor transport.
Car and General Insurance.
The 11th annual report of the Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd., was presented to the shareholders on the 25th ult. The meeting was held at the head office of the Corporation, 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W. The net premium income was 2348;452 as against 2340,148 for 1913; the claims paid were 2188,863, compared with 2185,464 for 1913; the net balance at the credit of revenue account was £15,009, of which £10,000 is added to general reserve, 21164 applied to the payment of the preference dividend, 2675 applied to writing off the balance of the cost of the preference-share issue, 22300 applied to paying a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent., Tree of income tax, on the paid-up capital under the ordinary shares, leaving 2870 to be carried forward. The company's funds at the end of the year amounted to 2206,160. Messrs. E Manville and E. S. Shrapnell-Smith were re-elected
directorS. Applications for commencial-motor agencies are invited by this Corporation.
Wheels of Industry—eons.
Electrics in Manchester.
Drake and Gorham, Ltd.' of 47, Spring Gardens, Manchester, has a two-ton demonstration Edison vehicle now running in the Manchester district. It will be shown to any readers of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, subject to an appointment.
Potteries Licences.
The Potteries Electric Traction Co. is being asked to run a service of buses to Norton on two days a The licences granted by the Stoke-on-Trent Town Council to the above-mentioned Potteries undertaking, have been sanctioned Contingently upon payment of 4d. per mile run in the event of its being found that the traffic is doing damage to the roads. lUackpool'a Halley Tower Wagon.
We reproduce herewith. an illustration of a 25 h.p. Halley tower wagon, which vehicle was supplied some• two years ago to the Blackpool Corporation Tramways. Our photograph shows the vehicle in the course of its usual work.
More Motor Mails.
The Comptroller of the London postal service, G.P.O., E.C., announces that the PostmasterGeneral is inviting tenders for motor-mail services between London and Broxbourne, London and Epping and London and Redhill. Full information concerning these can be obtained on application to the first-named official. Contracts will be let either for three years or five years, and the weights of mails will vary between 20 cwt. on the Broxbourne service and 45 cwt. on the Epping and Redhill services. . L.G.O.C. Meeting.
Mr. C. J. Cater Scott presided at the ordinary general meeting ofthe London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., on the 16th ult. The proceedings were formal, but the chairman mentioned in his remarks that 2000 of the company's employees were now engaged in France as motor drivers, whilst another 2500 of its employees had gone for other war services. Whilst concessions during the year to the employees had added considerably to the operating costs, the -results had been jastified.
• . Irish Humour.
One of the greatest exponents of native Irish humour is Mr. J. C. Percy, J.P., one Of the . founderdirectors of Mecredy, Percy and Co., Ltd., of Dublin. Mr. Percy is well known throughout the motor industry, and he has brought together in book form, under the title of "Bulls and Blunders" (la. net), an unrivalled collection of every phase of the liumorous sayings and speeches which many have had the, privilege of hearing and enjoying. The address of the publishers is 616, Bank Chambers, Holborn, W.C.
The Shakespeare Chassis.
The latest American-made motor lorry to arrive on this side is known as the Shakespeare. It is to be handled in this country by Mr. Rennie of 6, Bouverie Street, London, W.C., who has been to some extent responsible for the design of this vehicle. Three models are to be marketed, and we were able to make a cursory examination of the first arrival, which happens to be a 35-cwt. one (American two-ton, or 4000 lb.). The chassis appears to be quite a good one ; it should give reliable service. The outstanding features are the employment of a fairly powerful engine, Ferodo lined clutch, three-speed gearbox, and final drive by chain. We understand that oti the three-ton model worm drive will be adopted, Government Contracts.
The following tenders were accepted by the War Office during the
past month motor ambulances, Clement-Talbot, Ltd., J. Keele, Ltd., D. Napier and Son, Ltd., Siddeley-Deasy Motor Car Co., Ltd. ; for motor bodies, Bayleys, Ltd. E. and H. Hora, Ltd., Leyland Ltd., Ltd., L.G.O. Co.. Ltd. ; for motorcars, etc., G. Edwards, Ford Motor Co., D. Napier and Son, Ltd., M. Ruben, Singer and Co., Ltd. ; for motor chassis, Daimler Co., Ltd., Leyland Motors, Ltd. ' • for Motor chassis with light lorry bodies, Clement-Talbot, Ltd.; for fire engines, Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Shand, Mason and Co. ; for motor lorries, Belsige Motors, Ltd. Leyland Motors, Ltd., Mcdurd Lorry Manufacturing Co. ; and for petrol motors, Leyland Motors, Ltd.