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• Transport managers are not generally known for the way

4th January 1990, Page 17
4th January 1990
Page 17
Page 17, 4th January 1990 — • Transport managers are not generally known for the way
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they skip about laughing and joking as they keep track of an entire fleet and a mountain of paperwork.

Then there's Allan Robinson, who rides herd on a 300vehicle fleet for SLD, Britain's biggest pump hire outfit. In response to my request for offbeat trucking tales, he writes: "To forget accident claims, tachographs, MoTs, Ministry Inspectors and all the other problems of a large fleet, I go home and change my clothes and become Clogs the Magical Clown.

"Essential qualifications for both jobs are being able to juggle, tell a good tale, have a magic word and a sense of humour. Indeed, I think the CPC syllabus should be changed to include these subjects, for without them, how could transport managers survive?"

How true, how true. Just as long as Allan doesn't get confused one day and put a wagon in for test in his Clogs persona. Remember all those circus cars with wheels and doors falling off, gigantic backfires and water squirting out all over the place? Just the thing to brighten an examiner's day.