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Tax Exemption in Foreign Countries

4th January 1957, Page 43
4th January 1957
Page 43
Page 43, 4th January 1957 — Tax Exemption in Foreign Countries
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0 new conventions providing for PI the exemption from taxation of road vehicles engaged in international passenger and goods transport have been opened for signature. The conventions were adopted last month by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe's Inland Transport Committee.

The conventions provide for exemption in foreign countries of all taxes and charges levied on the circulation or possession of buses and lorries, except transport taxes and taxes or charges on consumption.

Poland and Sweden have already signed the convention relating to goods vehicles. Both conventions will remain open for signature until May 18, and several other countries have indicated that they will sign soon.

The committee have adopted a resolution recommending that governments accept certain regulations relating to the general safety standards with which containers must comply in order to be accepted in international traffic.

This year, the committee arc to work on conventions or agreements for the transport of dangerous goods by road, the international transport of goods by road, and the international transport of perishable foodstuffs by road.


AVETERAN steam wagon has been brought out of retirement by Fremlins, Ltd., Maidstone, Kent, to overcome delivery problems created by fuel rationing. The idea was that of Mr. G. D. Gray, transport manager, who borrowed a 1934 Sentinel from Mr. F. Pegden, Elham, near Dover, an extensive collector of steam and traction engines.

The vehicle was formerly operated by Fremlins until its retirement just after the war, when it was acquired by Mr. Pegden. It can carry up to 6 tons of beer and will operate on Kent steam coal—thus saving up to 10 gallons of petrol a day while making deliveries to licensees from the company's Faversham branch.

Difficulties in obtaining qualified drivers and maintenance equipment have now been overcome, and a second 1934 Sentinel from the same source is also expected to be on the road again shortly.


'THE Yorkshire Deputy Licensing

Authority last Friday granted a B licence to Messrs. Pentys of Bedale, 13urneston, Yorks, to use a vehicle of 21 tons unladen weight to remove loads from broken-down vehicles and carry them to their destinations.

Applicants told the Authority that in the past six months there had been about 20 calls from companies seeking the transhipment of goods after breakdowns. There were no objectors.