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Commercial Vehicles to be Shown in 1951 Festival

4th February 1949
Page 8
Page 8, 4th February 1949 — Commercial Vehicles to be Shown in 1951 Festival
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rOMMERCIAL vehicles, including k-0 motorbuses, trolleybuses, battery electrics and trailers, are among the many types of exhibit scheduled for the Festival of Britain, 1951. The central exhibition will take place in London on the South Bank of the Thames, opposite Charing Cross, but there will be travelling exhibitions and specialized displays in many provincial centres.

All the exhibitions will be selective, as opposed to trade fairs in which individual concerns may buy space.

The Council of Industrial Design has been appointed by the Government to select the exhibits. It

states that the theme of the -Festival 'and of the main exhibition will be Great Britain's contribution to .civilization and culture in the arts, science and industry. •

The Council• is compiling what is known as a " 1951 Stock List—a photographic card index of all • manufactured products of such a standard of excellence as could qualify them for diiplay in 1951, or at least for submission to a panel of selectors."

Manufacturers a r e asked to send to the chief industrial officer of the Council, at . Tilbury House, Petty France, London, S.W.t, photo graphs, catalogues or leaflets illustrating those items which they consider to be their best work.

Apart from vehicle exhibits, it is Proposed to include the best in accessories, components and service equipment.

Officers reptesenting the Council will beworking in close 'co-operation with trade associations. The officer concerned with road transport is Mr. G. E. Williams.

The Council stresses the importance that transport will play in ensuring the success of the Festival. It states that "the impact of design on travellers using the facilities offered by the four transport groups [road transport, shipping, railways and transit hotels, and air transport] will be considerable, and, it is hoped, will be a complete foretaste of the high standards aimed at for the exhibition as a whole." HAYS WHARF VERSUS THE REST QOME. hotly contested appeals will be

heard by the Appeal Tribunal from February 8-10, at Halifax House, Strand, London, W.C.2. The first will be an appeal by Hay's Wharf Cartage Co., Ltd., against a decision of the Western Licensing Authority affecting the company's Weston-super-Mare base. There will be seven respondents, including Messrs. Lalonde Brothers and Parham, who are also making a crossappealin which Hay's Wharf Cartage Co.. Ltd., will appear as the respondent.

The Hay's Wharf, concern will be faced by nine respondents in an appeal affecting its Bath base. One of the respondents, Guest Wood and Ling, Ltd., also makes a cross-appeal with Hay's Wharf as respondent.