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£2,400,000 - :.Less from Road Fund DAYMENTS from the Road Fund

4th August 1950, Page 29
4th August 1950
Page 29
Page 29, 4th August 1950 — £2,400,000 - :.Less from Road Fund DAYMENTS from the Road Fund
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

1 for the maintenance., improvement and Construction of roads were about t 22,300,00Q in the year ended March 31, 1949, compared with nearly £24,700,000 in 1947-48. Of 'these amounts, £7,916,000 was spent on trunk roads in' 1948-49, compared' with £8,5 r5,000 in 194748. Only the Worst sections of the busiest roads were resurfaded: • 1-:' ' These figures are gven in the report 'on the administration Of the road:fund fOr 1948-49, -published, last week' by the Stationery Office, price Is. 9d.

t The :average -COst Of maintenance, repair and minor imprOvement per mile of road increased from £152 in 1945-46 to £241 in 1947-48. In the course of the year, states the report, the labour force of 95,000 employed on ,highivays was reduced by some 20,000 and it is estimated that the total volume of maintenance Work Was little more than 60 per cent. of the estimated average for the years 1936-39.