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Dines back in business

3rd November 1979
Page 26
Page 26, 3rd November 1979 — Dines back in business
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

I WISH to take this opportuni of congratulating W. H. Dines Co on finally winning its appe to operate its business despi determined opposition fro some sections of the public ar Press.

Lorries bring with them certain amount of noise and di comfort but Dines has alwa■ minimised as best they cou the amount of disturbance i vehicles might have caused, t the strict embargos laid on thE drivers regarding entry to if company's premises.

• A census of all sections local opinion throughout if village as a whole, by the "Cc onel Blimps" and "uninforme Press, would result in anoth vote in favour of Dines co tinuing operations.

In my opinion this oppositic was ill advised. Time and inve tive would have been bett. spent in drawing attention toff conditions pertaining on If main Bicester to Kidlingtc A421 road. The volume of trE tic on this section of the roa, which acts as a funnel to oth areas, is frightening and som thing should be done to recti it. Please let us get our prioritii right.

NIGEL ASTELL 13 Banbury Road, Brackley, Northants.