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)oubled permits

3rd November 1979
Page 19
Page 19, 3rd November 1979 — )oubled permits
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HE UK's general quota of )ad haulage permits to West ,ernitany is to be more than oublecl by 1981.

Transport Minister Norman announced the inrease, negotiated with the 'es; Germans, at the Corniercial Motor Fleet Manageien-. Conference last week. or 1980, the general quota ses from the present 9450 to 6,500. For 1981 it has been greed that the quota will be at .ast exceed 20,000 journeys. The way in which the extra errnits will be allocated has ot yet been announced, but he Department of Transport says that existing operators with West German permits can assume that their 1980 allocation will be at least 40 per cent greater than this year's.

This improvement in the West German permit quota follows hard on the heels of an increase in the French permit quota for UK hauliers. Last month Mr Fowler announced that the French Government had conceded an increase from 43,500 to 51,500 general quota permits and had scrapped the requirement for own-account vehicles to have permits for journeys to France.