Board invites levy exemption applications
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APPLICATIONS for exemption from levy are to be invited by •the Road Transport Industry Training Board later this year. Successful applicants will recieve an exemption certificate which will normally be valid for one year initially and will exempt employers from the levy to be raised in the latter half of 1975.
Only in exceptional circumstances will the period of validity be extended, the RTITB told CM this week.
Exemption criteria will cover two aspects of training: general and occupational requirements. The general requirements will apply to all organizations applying for exemption. They comprise a statement of manpower and planning covering employees by occupation, changes in the past training year and expected changes and training intentions in the current year. Also to be considered are the overall training arrangements which will be a development of the block grants standards introduced in 1970.
The occupational requirements will cover the 16 major occupations in the industry. Each applicant will have to meet criteria based on the training needs of the company and on the Board's recommendations. When the general exemption criteria is met and part of the occupational requirements, a rebate will be made available for those occupations for which training is satisfactory. This grant will apply only to those employers whose paybills exceed 00,000 (130,000 in the passenger transport industry) as the Board's view is that rebates should amount to a significant sum if they are to be effective. Where rebate is not given for a particular occupation a specific grant will be claim able for satisfactory tra ing.
Employers not applyi for exemption may cla specific grants for approv training and those in rece. of rebate grants may cla for all employees in nc rebate occupations.
The proposals have be submitted for Minister approval to the Traini Services Agency and a. expected to be published the employers' guide to t levy exemption and gra scheme in mid-Summer.
In the meantime, the 19 levy will be netted agait grant proposals for the trai ing year 1973/74 and will payable in December, tl year.