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Trucker's favourite takes the biscuit...

3rd january 2013
Page 7
Page 7, 3rd january 2013 — Trucker's favourite takes the biscuit...
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NEW YEAR MEANS it time for a detox: is herbal teas, and giving booze.

Well, that's what everyone tries to do in the first week back at work. Then someone caves in and buys some biscuits. But what biscuits do they buy?

Well, the road transport industry's favourite biscuit is, according to a survey by recruitment f irm DriverHire, a chocolate Hobnob.

Ahhh, that robust oaty crunch, the smooth milk chocolate perfectly contrasting. It is pure biscuit union. No wonder it won 38% of the vote.

Coming second with 19% was the milk chocolate digestive.

Biscuits with chocolate — be it a layer smoothed to the surface of the biscuit, or chunksof chocolate found tantalisingly within — took a 70% share of the vote.

It's official. Hauliers love chocolate. And they definitely love their biscuits with a brew. Just try dipping a chocolate Hobnob in your herbal tea, dieters.

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