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Some go round the bend, others don't

3rd December 1983
Page 44
Page 45
Page 44, 3rd December 1983 — Some go round the bend, others don't
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IN SUNDERLAND, reported the Newcastle Journal, "bus crews and passengers are being driven around the bend." In Cramlington, to the north of Newscastle, the complaint was that they were not, which shows how cussed people can be.

More than 20 services in Sunderland have had their routes, numbers or times changed by Tyne Wear Passenger Transport Executive to increase efficiency. Many of the explanatory leaflets that were supposed to have been delivered to householders seemed to go astray and the supply of free timetables was soon exhausted.

But it was not only the passengers who were foxed. A woman told a reporter: "The driver on my bus had to get off and ask an inspector where he was supposed to be going. But the inspector didn't know either."

I expect he was a stranger.

In Cramlington the complaint was that buses did not go round the bend because they had never been driven round the loop road constructed for them at vast public expense outside the railway station. Perhaps the reason is that bus and train times don't coincide, although, apart from a local councillor who wants to see the buses going round in circles, nobody seems to mind much about that.