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Managers switch NBC subsidiaries

3rd December 1983
Page 11
Page 11, 3rd December 1983 — Managers switch NBC subsidiaries
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NEW GENERAL managers hr been announced for thr National Bus Company subsic ries — Trent, West Riding z Alder Valley — from January 1 This follows the appointm of their present general m agers to senior posts within recently announced mana! ment structure for NBC.

Kenneth Hodgson mo, from company secretary of W Riding to general manager, al four years as secretary. He ta over from Bill Price who comes divisional director NBC's new Wales and the Nc region.

Brian King moves from be Ribble traffic manager, a post has held since 1974, to gen( manager of Derby-based Tre He takes over from Dion Wils who takes up the post of r sonnel services director at NB London headquarters.

Brian Hirst moves from g eral manager of Yorkshire Tr tion to a similar position at Al Valley. He replaces Dot's Adie, who becomes divisio director for the new South gion.

Mr Hirst has held his pros position since January 1980 h ing previously been operatii manager with Greater Glasc PTE.