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3rd December 1965
Page 52
Page 52, 3rd December 1965 — AEC SERVICE TRAINING SCHEME
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TO help in providing workshop staff with a thorough grounding in preventive maintenance, AEC Ltd. is launching service training courses for its customers in the New Year. They will be held at the Leyland Motor Corporation service training school at Coventry and each will last four and a half days. Applications for a place for staff should be made to the Service Training Centre, Leyland Motor Corporation, Capmartin Road, Radford, Coventry, During the week of each course, trainees will be instructed in the servicing of diesel engines—including lubrication, pistons and liners, cylinder heads, valve and fuel pump timing, fuel injection and fault diagnosis—gearboxes, axles, suspension, steering, brakes and power-assisted steering. The instruction covering brakes will deal with all systems including the new three-line layout.

Accent of the course is on practical instruction although theoretical practice will also play a considerable part. The centre is fully equipped with units used on the present range of AEC vehicles.

The courses for the first six months of 1966 will be as follows: January 3 to 7, 10 to 14 and 17 to 21, February 14 to 18, 21 to 25, March 7 to I 1 and 28 to April 1, April 18 to 22, May 2 to 6 and 16 to 20.

The company will provide personnel with refreshments, suitable clothing for practical work, and transport during the period they are at the centre. The trainee will pay the cost of accommodation during the course.