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3rd December 1965
Page 39
Page 39, 3rd December 1965 — TIPPER SIZES RISING
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Anti-corrosion techniques for salt transport

OPERATORS with contracts to move large quantities of fuel or raw material to and from depots which are able to deal with articulated vehicles built to maximum permitted weights and lengths are now giving serious thought to 28and 30-ton-gross tippers.

J. W. Barrow Ltd. of Norffiwich, Cheshire, a company which has a contract for the bulk carriage of salt, has recently put into service two 28-ton-gross artics with tipping semi-trailers by Bowyer Bros., of Congleton, on Boden frames, and drawn by ERF tractive units. The bodies are 23 ft. long with 3 ft. 9 in.high sides and are built largely in light alloy. These vehicles weigh 9 tons 19 cwt. unladen, allowing an 18-ton payload, and they are a thorough exercise in anticorrosion technique, for the load of salt is just about as destructive a material as it is possible to find. Every bolt is cadmium plated and has its nut run on wet paint, and every rivet has been secured over wet paint. All the steel parts on both trailer chassis and body have been sandblasted and hot zinc sprayed. This treatment, in addition to being anti-corrosive, is a very good key for paintwork.

The tractive units have the Cummins NHE180 engine, a six-speed overdrive gearbox and 6-28: 1 rear axle.

An identical tractive unit draws the tipping semi-trailer which S. Jones (Aldridge) Ltd., the Staffordshire operator, is using at 30 tons g.t.w. for the carriage of coat from the Midlands to the South West, with a return load of scrap metal.

In this case the body by Welford Engineering is all steel, is 26 ft. 6 in. long with 4 ft. 6 in. sides, and is mounted on a Dyson chassis. As with the Barrow vehicle, the payload is 18 tons and Edbro 7CAN tipping gear is used. A.T.