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GLC wants ELRC inquiry to be delayed

3rd August 1985, Page 14
3rd August 1985
Page 14
Page 14, 3rd August 1985 — GLC wants ELRC inquiry to be delayed
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THE GREATER London Council wants Transport Minister Lynda Chalker to delay the East London River Crossing public inquiry until the Dartford Tunnel feasibility study has been completed.

In June, Mrs Chalker announced that studies would take place at Dartford to weigh up the case for another tunnel to relieve the bottlenecks on the M25.

But the GLC says that the East London River Crossing, would divert traffic into London.

GLC transport committee vice-chair Paul Moore wrote to Mrs Chalker: "On a cursory examination of your consultants' pre-feasibility' study of the Dartford Tunnel, the East London River Crossing makes a very substantial difference to predicted future traffic growth and hence the economic case for providing extra capacity."