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Sheffield check brings 20% LGV failure rate

31st October 1996
Page 10
Page 10, 31st October 1996 — Sheffield check brings 20% LGV failure rate
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• One in five vehicles checked during a Vehicle Inspectorate operation in Sheffield last week were found to be defective.

Of 159 vehicles inspected for maintenance defects during Operation Steel, 25 were issued with delayed prohibitions and eight were given immediate prohibitions—mainly for brake problems.

Traffic examiners also found a variety of documentation problems. Out of the 125 drivers they checked five were reported for records offences; nine for not having an Operators' Licence; one for alleged hours offences; and nine for a variety of other offences including breaking the tachogiaph regulations.

Seven vehicle excise offences were found; three fixed penalty orders were issued with 13 verbal warnings. Sheffield police have issued six summonses.

The checks were carried out at Meadol,vhall/Tinsley Viaduct, Penistone Road/Herries Road, Sheffield Parkway and the Norton Ring Road lay-by.

VI operation co-ordinator Peter Mackay summed up Operation Steel as "depressingly successful".