Coaches cover track costs
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THE GOVERNMENT believes that coaches cover their road cosi declared spokesman the Earl of Avon last week in the House Lords.
In looking at whether coaches paid sufficient licence fees, La Avon said it was necessary to take account not only of vehicle exci; duty, but also of the contribution made by coach and bus operato through fuel tax.
On that basis, the Department of Transport estimated that, in ti present financial year, buses and coaches would pay £139m taxation, of which £4m was in licence fees. That was before £100m rebates of fuel duty for stage carriage operations was taken in account.
Road costs attributable to them both would be about £80 millio noted Lord Avon.
Viscount Sidmouth, who had raised the topic, said it was anorn, taus that a heavy goods vehicle of nine tonnes paid over £1,000 excise duty, whereas a coach of similar weight paid only £50.
He was told that it was Government practice to allow this vehic excise duty concession to stage services and coaches, and it Inn particularly difficult to separate the two.