STRIBUTION DIRECTORY Companies still have time book entries in the
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third :tributinn Services Director. e latest edition will be publed in the autumn, in time the Distribution Services pk, being held at the Wenty Conference Centre on tober 8, 9 and 10.
Ile directory will contain :ails of UK companies ering a distribution service defined as those which reye goods in bulk and denin break bulk.
['here is no charge or cost editorial entries, and no d advertising will be sought, ;ording to the directory's npilers PEI, Communic,aas. However, booked exitors at the distribution nv will be entitled to a page free supporting advertising. The A5-size directory will te two company entries per 7,e and a proof of the inided entry will be sent to :h listed company before nting. The finished publican will be circulated to all npanies on PELCOM's tribution listings and to visis to the show. Those cornlies with an editorial entry : a free copy.
Those wishing to be inded should call PEL on 01) 1234 and ask for an ediial information form for the ;tribution Services Direc