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Timber Merchants . Win Appeal

31st March 1950, Page 35
31st March 1950
Page 35
Page 35, 31st March 1950 — Timber Merchants . Win Appeal
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

D EVERSING a decision of the West

IN.Midland De put y Licensing Authority, the Appeal Tribunal last week allowed, with 10 guineas costs, an appeal by Messrs. George H. Powell, Morkliford timber merchants. This _firm had appealed against the refusal of a B licence by the Deputy Licedsing Auth"Orityfor the haulage of ,

felled trees. The appellants stated that they :hia been , guaranteed work and that: the objectors to their original application, P. K. Worgan and -Sons, Ltd., Robert Wynn and Sons, Ltd., and the Railway and Road Hahlage Exectifives, were not offered traffic because they could-not handle it. It was held that theLicensing Authority had

bee misdirected by the objectors' evidence. • P. K. Worgan and Sons, Ltd., appeared as a respondent to the appeal, and -Mr. K. Mynett submitted that the appellants were newcomers. Since 1945, when their defence permits expired, they had, he said, operated illegally until stopped by a prosecution.


ASCHEME for holiday bookings to Blackpool, similar to that employed by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd,, is to tee introduced by the Trent Motor Traction Co.,Ltd. It will provide for reservations on the company's express service to Blackpool on Saturdays and Sundays and full board at private hotels.