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31st March 1931, Page 46
31st March 1931
Page 46
Page 46, 31st March 1931 — . ITEMS OF NEWS IN A FEW LINES
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The Yarrow Motor Co., Ltd., has purchased the bus services of Messrs. M. Ellison and Sons.

Cardiff Corporation's new garage, in Sloper Road, which will accommodate 145 buses, is to cost £36,000.

The Tynemouth. authority is to consider and revise a scheme for the erection of a central garage and other premises on the site at George Street.

Owing to the intervention of the Easter holidays, advertisements intended for our issue dated April 7th must reach • the manager by the first post on Wednesday, April 1st.

It is stated that the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., has secured a contract for the supply of buses to the city of , Athens. The order is for 20 vehicles, including two equipped with heavy-oil engines.

The chief constable of Stoke-on-Trent has been authorized to make a charge of kg. 6d. per copy to proprietors of public-service vehicles who require certificates of fitness in respect of their vehicles. In one year the ambulance in use by the Redhill Hospital, Edgware, collected 2,139 cases and covered a mileage of 18,005. * An extensive scheme of interchangeability of road and rail tickets for long journeys is being instituted by the G.W.R. and S.R. as from April 2nd.

During 1930 the United States exported 34 electric vehicles valued at 413,413; as contrasted with 170 and 149,513 respectively in 1929.

The Turpin Engineering Co., Ltd., of Acton, London, W.3, has been appointed sole concessionnaire for Dinin batteries, which are suitable for any make of car or commercial vehicle.

In the three months ended December last 877 persons were killed and 13,323 injured in the streets of the Metropolitan Police area, there being 30,286 accidents to persons and property.

As from April 1st, the Southern Railway Co. is making arrangements to use a fleet of motor lorries in place of horsedrawn vehicles that have in the past undertaken collection and delivery services in Farnborough and district.