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."The wheels of wealth will be slowed by ail ditlicailties Of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the rOughness of the roads over which it runs."—,John Beattie Crozier.
Dunlop Profits Better.
In the 18 months to December, 1923, the net profit earned by the Dunlop Itlibber Co., Ltd., was £1,451,792. The report and balance sheet for the year 1924, which has just been issued, shows that the net profit for the twelve months reached the excellent figure of £1,500,152, an improvement of approximately 50 per cent. The directors propose to transfer /600,000 to the general reserve, whilst the dividends on the A, B and C preference shares, to be paid on April 30th next, will absorb £375,000. A balance of £525,152 is carried forward, no dividend on the ordinary shares being proposed, There has been a loss on the American company amounting to £414,000, which, however, is not taken into account as it is regarded as incidental to starting up a new business.
B.A.T. Report,
The directors of the British Automobile Traction Co., Ltd., have just issued their report for the year ended December 31st last. This shows that the income from investments, together with net traffic receipts and other revenues, -after providing for depreciation, amounts to £74,115. Administration and general expenses, interest on debenture stock and various other items absorb a sum of £17,072, leaving £57,043, which, together with £18,314 brought forward from the previous year, gives a total of £75,356.
Of this amount, £10,000 is allocated to the reserve fund and 144,457 absorbed by the payment of dividends on the participating preference and ordinary shares, thus leaving a sum of £20,899 to be carried forward. The dividend declared on the participating preference shares is 8 per cent. per annum, plus a further 2 per cent, per annum, and on the ordinary shares at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum.
New Ticket Mt-rill:niters for Paris.
The system of using numbered place tickets for motor omnibus passengers has been successfully used in Paris for many years past. The tickets are placed on a board, which is usually attached to a lamp-post, which also bears an iron plate .givillg the route numbers and destinations of the various omnibuses stopping at that particular point.
Passengers waiting for a bus detach a ticket from the board, and, when the omnibus arrives, the conductor looks at the first ticket held up to him and calls out the rest Of the numbers on the series.
The one weak point up to now has been found in the tickets themselves. They are put up in highly compressed blocks, like a--tear-of calendar, and, as they are exposed to the elements, it is often very_difficult to obtain a ticket without tearing away half-a-dozen others at the same time. This naturally leads to confusion when the bus arrives. The T.C.B.P. has just • produced a new automatic machine, which protects the tickets and gives opt one only at a time when the handle is depressed. This machine, the general construction of
1320 which can be seen from an illustration on this page, is being rapidly installed all over Paris.
E100,000 from Fines.
During the year 1924 112,091 motorists were fined for breaches of the Motor Car Acts; the fines, which were paid into the Road Fund, amounted to 1109,596.
Number of Buses in London.
The Minister of Transport recently stated that the number of motor omnibuses licensed by the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis during the year ended February 28th last was 5,474, of which 4,269 were in respect of those vehicles owned by the London General Omnibus Co„ Ltd„ and their associated companies.
• Through-running Agreement.
Morecambe Watch Committee has resolved that an agreement be entered into with the Morecambe Tramways Co., now Heysham and District Motors, Ltd., for the renewal of the arrangement for through-running, which has been successfully tried during the past year.
The New Southend Road.
H.R.H. Prince Henry .(their Majesties' third son) on Wednesday last performed the ceremony of opening the new London to Southend arterial road.. This begins at Wanstead and runs through -Ilford and Romford to Southend, and its length is 30 miles with a width of 100 ft., although the carriageway in the first instance is limited to a
width of 24 ft. Ultimately, the road will be extended westward in order to link up with the Great North circular road passing through Hatfield and debauching at Staines and Slough towards the west country. The road is going to be of very great benefit to transport, because hitherto the roads through Billericay and Grays have been narrow and tortuous and by no means suitable for modern traffic.
Lt.-Col. Moore Brabazon earlier in the morning opened the spur road between Woodford and Ilford which connects to the main London-CoIchester highway.
L.G.O. Co.'s Coach Tours for 1925.
The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., have just issued their program:he of motor coach tours for the 1925 season, and as in past years, these are very comprehensive in character. Most of the tours which have proved so popular in the past are retained, and others have been added.
Three types of motor coach, renting 19, 23 and 28 passengers respectively, will be used on these tours, and for the whole-day runs experienced guides will accompany the coaches. It is worthy of note that the prices charged for the " Seeing-London" tours include admission fees to museums, galleries, etc.
In the 1924 season the L.G.O.C. coaches were engaged on 778 tours, on which they covered a total mileage of 43,500, and the fact that during this period an increase of 17 per cent, was recorded in the number of passengers carried is adequate proof of their popularity.
Reviving an Ancient Craft.
The North Riding Rural Development Sub-committee has now, with the backing of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Yorkshire Council for Agriculture, definitely decided upon the purchase of a well-equipped motorvan to tour the district in order to introduce new methods and stave off the threatened extinction of the old village craft of farriery and smith work.
The van will be equipped with oxyacetylene welding plant, emery grinding and drilling machines, lathe, workbench and vices and a serviceable outfit of small tools, The aim is to demonstrate to country smiths bow tasks can be more expeditiously performed by the use of simple machinery and to suggest new channels of activity to take the place of work which has ceased to provide remunerative employment since the virtual disappearance of the horse from rural pursuits. A. proposal has been made that a trailer should be used with the van for the purpose of assisting other rural workers in marketing their produce.
Road Risks Illustrated.
The Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., 1, North John Street, Liverpool, have just issued the 1925 edition of their illustrated motor prospectus. In the main, this takes the form of a little booklet on road risks, and the new edition contains a further series of photographs illustrating certain phases of motor vehicle operation from a legal point ef view, as well as pictures of accidents of an unusual character. The analysis showing the proportion of motor accidents occurring in certain specified circumstances has been enlarged and will Undoubtedly be perused with interest by all those who have the precepts of " Safety First" at heart.
Other features of the booklet include a chart giving road distances between a number of important centres, a list of road signals and certain data relating to licence duties. A copy of the book/et can be obtained on application to the eompany at the address we have given.
Protecting Small Bus Owners' Interests.
The Blaydon and District Omnibus Proprietors' Association, an organization representative of a number of small owners, is preparing a scheme which has as its object the provision of a regular and adequate services in the district by working strictly to a time-table, so that the various services do not clash. It is further endeavouring to secure the support of local authorities in the areas served by its members, and in a communication to certain councils points Out that the facilities being provided entitle it to consideration in cases where competition is likely to be encountered.
Junior Engineers' Meeting.
At a meeting of the Junior Institution of Engineers held a few days ago, Mr. S. H. Hole read a paper entitled " Modern Transport." Mr. Hole referred to the London Traffic Act and said it was, in his opinion, tending to drive buses off the road and make people travel underground, whereas the bus was not the real cause of traffic congestion. To support his contention be said the scheme to relieve the Strand of much of its traffic by giving other means of access to either end of it, and te the markets on one side, would show
that there were not too many buses in operation for the passengers who desired to use them.
He went on to deal with various types of lorry for goods transport and, in particular, referred to six-wheelers and four-wheel-drive lorries, and added that he believed the S.D. Freighter had a good future in replacing horse trans port in local areas. He produced a number of diagrams showing the proportion of money obtained from vehicles for the upkeep of roads, both on numerical and tonnage basis.
A Co-operative Society's Revenue from Coaches.
The Royal Arsenal Co-operative Society secured receipts of £5,150 from its motor chars-a-banes during the past half-year. It has expended £43,679 on motor vehicles used for transport work. These have been-depreciated at rates of 20 per cent. and 33i per cent, until they now stand in the society's accounts at £7,615. The running costs in connection with the chars-a-banes amounted to £2,723, and a profit of £349 was made.
Northern General Dividend.
The successful outcome of the past year's working of the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., of Chester-leStreet, is indicated by the announcement that the directors have decided to recommend that a dividend at the rate of 7i per cent. be paid on the ordinary shares of the company ranking for dividend for the year ended December
1924, making, with the interim dividend of 21 per cent. paid on September 30th last, a total of 10 per cent, for the year. For the previous year the total was 71 per cent.
Completing the Great West Road.
The houses which have been in the process of demolition for a length of some 600 yards on the new Great West Road at Brentford have now been completely pulled down, and it is hoped to „complete this portion of the arterial road by June next. At the same time the temporary surfacing on the railway approach at New Curve is being replaced with a permanent surface, and the Royal Automobile Club inform us that whilst the work ia being undertaken this section will be closed.
Glasgow's New Taxis.
Six new taxicabs with distinctive colourings and markings have just been placed on the Glasgow streets and are attracting much attention. They are painted crimson lake and form rather a pleasing contrast with the more soberly hued vehicles with which the citizens have so long been familiar. Glasgow built, they conform with police regulations in every respect and embody the latest improvements in design and' craftsmanship.
A Paignton Traffic Ban.
The roads committee of the Devon County Council recommends application to the Ministry of Transport for an Order under Section 7 (4) Roads Acts, 1920, closing Ardfield Gardens, Youngs Bark, Paignton, to vehicular traffic. The ground upon which the application is based is that vehicles cannot use this highway without endangering the safety of persons using it.
A Road Fund Grievance.
Mr. C. H. Bird, clerk to the Worcester County Council, has reported to the finance committee that, in a recent prosecution under the Motor Car Acts for applying for a driving licence when alleged to be disqualified, defendant had been fined £20, but had appealed to the High Court by way of a special case. It was stated that the Minister of Transport had declined either to take up the case on behalf of the local taxation officer of the county council, who is the respondent, or to allow the costs to be charged against the Road Fund.
The amount received by the council in respect of driving licences during the past year was £3,392. Prior to the passing of the Roads Act this sum, it is mentioned, would have been retained by the county, but is is now required to be paid into the Road Fund. The committee reports that it feels very dissatisfied with this procedure and recommends the council to call the attention of the County Councils' Association to the injustice which the decision of the Minis
ter involves in that all the receipts from licences are paid direct to the Road Fund, but that when occasion arises for a payment in connection with the collectioii of the licences such payment is required to be made out of the coanty fund.
A Big Fleet of Bertiet Buses.
An example of the progress of mechanical transport in the French North African territories is to be found in the development of the Oran 2eneral Omnibus Co. This company now possess a fleet of 100 buses and operate a' dozen different services. Some of the lines go far out into the country to places such as Sidi-ben-Abbas.
All the buses in the Oran fleet are Berliets, the chassis of some being 3itonners and of others 5-tonners. The larger buses are mostly double-deckers, the upper-deck passengers being protected from the sun by a canopy. The Oran buses have-nothing in common with the great series of motor coach
B22 services which are run in North Africa for tourists. Passenger traffic on the Oran lines is much the same all the year round, as they are mostly used by residents.
Six-wheelers for Police Transport.
A number of special motor vehicles for the rapid conveyance of police constables to any part of the country have recently been put in service 14 the State police authorities of Saxony. Two classes of vehicle are being used ; both are of the char-ii-bancs type, one being a 22 h.p. 11-seated machine and the other a Blissing 55 h.p. six-wheeler with seating accommodation for 35 officers.
An Allgon Salvage Van.
The illustration included on this page shows an interesting vehicle which the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., of Scotstoun, Glasgow, have sUpplied to the Melbourne and Metropolitan Fire Brigade. 'The body is built to carry salvage equipment and is mounted on an example of the company's 24 h.p. dies sis. It ts of special construction, four separate compartments being arranged on each side of the van, whilst there is also a long central compartment, access to which is obtained from the rear. The various articles which are carried include tarpaulins, shovels and axes and, as will be seen from the picture, they are all methodically arranged in order to facilitate quick handling.
The vehicle possesses a smart appearance and is giving satisfaction to the board, its speed and smooth running having been specially commented upon.
More British Buses for China.
In our issue dated March 3rd we published brief details of the motorbus activities of the China General Omnibus Co., Ltd., and dealt with their services maintained by Tilling-Stevens petrolelectric buses in Shanghai. We now learn that the company have placed an order with Tilling-Stevens Motors, Ltd., for a further 20 chassia, which, when completed. will bring their fleet 'up to a total of 50 vehicles.
A Useful Storage Bin.
The General Electric Co., Ltd., Magnet House, Kingsway, London, -W.C.2, have just introduced a new storage bin for motor vehicle bulbs. It is really something more than a storage bin, for in one of the sections into which it is divided a small bulb-testing outfit is incorporated. The bin is constructed of enamelled steel and is exceedingly compact, measuring only 30 ins. high, 30 ins, wide and 101 ins. deep.
Such bins should be of value to the re-seller in so far as they save storage space and the possibility of breakage. Furthermore, the testing outfit should be found particularly useful for demonstration work. The price of the bin, inclusive of the testing outfit, is £4 1.0s.
Against a Speed Limit. .
The Monmouthshire County Council has decided not to impose a speed limit on motor vehicles on the ground that a rate permitted in one area might be dangerous in another. The council was requested to fix a limit by a Tintern district council on the ground that it had received complaints of the speed of heavy vehicles.
At the same meeting a discussion took place on the question of employing disabled ex-Service men to control traffic on the county roads. The chief constable stated that drivers were improving ia their general ability, to control vehicles and displayed care, and thought that the employment of disabled men to control traffic was unnecessary at present.
New Goodrich Price List.
British Goodrich Itubber Co., Ltd., Leyland, Lancs., have just issued a new price list dealing with Goodrich semipneumatic tyres. The list gives sizes of the tyres in inch and millimetre mea.surements, and indicates the carrying capacity per single tyre.
The construction of the Goodrich semi-pneumatic is, probably, generally well known. The tyre is built up on a steel foundation, the tread possessing a grooved centre and buttressing sideblocks, a formation which is said to provide high anti-skid qualities and offer resistance to lateral road shocks or kerb impact. The tyre has a central air chamber which, it is claimed, provides an ample degree of resiliency.
Popular Postal Motor Services.
According to a recently issued report the number of passengers carried last year on the vehicles employed in connection with the road mail services in Switzerland amounted to 903,675, as compared with only 775,411 in 1923. Among the new services established during 1924 were those between Weinfelden and Waldi (Thurgau), Alarstetten and Dornach, and • Baden and Bremsgarten. • Demonstrating a Commer Car.
Commercial Cars Ltd., Luton, inform us that for the next few days special demonstrations will be given in Manchester and Liverpool of a Commer Car 5-ton chassis equipped with a tipping body operated by Bromilow and Edwards three-way hydraulic gear. All those who are desirous of seeing the vehicle at work should communicate with I. Blake and Co., Ltd., the wellknown motor agents, who have an address in each of these cities.
A Motor Road to Brighton.
A scheme for the construction of a concrete road for motor vehicles only between London and Brighton is being mooted. A private Bill to secure sanction for the scheme has been prepared for Parliamentary consideration, and it provides that the road should be 40 miles long and 50 ft. wide, with a maximum gradient of about 1 in 40. The • Light Vans for Ceylon.
The French Consul in Ceylon has recently informed the French Motor Manufacturers' Association that there is a growing demand for light delivery vans in Ceylon, and urging them not to ignore the market. He gives the names of the following five companies, all in Colombo, who might be approached with regard to taking up agencies for such vehicles :— The General Trading Co., the Imperial Motor Works, the Apollo Motor Touring Co., J oachim's Garage, Bambalapitiya, the Universal Stores, 27, Norrie Road, and R. A. D. Manuel and Co.
Street Accident Investigations.
Wandsworth Borough Council reports receipt of letters from the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, and the Wandsworth Guardians, in reply to the council's request to be supplied with information as to the localities where fatal street accidents occur, and their cause, in order that the council may have an opportunity of considering whether it can take steps for the prevention of accidents of this description by making street alterations or similar Works.
The commissioner states that he is prepared to furnish brief particulars of fatal accidents occurring in the borough where road or other obstructions are a contributory cause, and calls attention to the provision in the lamdon Traffic Act, 1924, empowering the Minister of Transport to hold an inquiry into the cause of any accident which occurs owing to the presence of a vehicle in any road, where it appears to hint that the nature and character of the road, or the road surface, or the materials used in its construction was the cause of accident.
The Wandsworth Guardians intimate their willingness to notify the council of all accident cases admitted to St. James's Hospital for a period of six months, after which the matter will be again reviewed.
The M. of T. and Bridge Designs.
The Ministry of Transport has recently issued a circular dealing with the design of road bridges, and this has been distributed to all authorities in Great J3ritain. Considerable public interest will undoubtedly be taken in the action of the Ministry in drawing the attention of local authorities to the national importance of the preservation of ancient structures, and of ensuring that an artistic outline should be displayed in the building of new bridges.
Protection for Coach Owners.
At a meeting of the highways comrilittee of the Shipley Urban District Council representatives of proprietors of local chars-it-hence attended to ask for the adoption of by-laws to prevent non-ratepayers from plying for hire in the Shipley district. It was decided to obtain particulars of the regulations in force in other districts.
The Motor Trade Association has accepted the invitation of the Brighton Corporation to hold the annual conference of the Association at Brighton on July 9th.
Albions for India.
The Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Scotstonn, Glasgow, recently despatched a consignment of 19 motor lorries to theport of Liverpool, from which they are being shipped overseas to the Indian Government. It is stated that the vehicles are fitted with tractor-type wheels, and will be used for the transport of Government stores across difficult country to outlying stations which are not accessible to the railway.
Hackney Council Looking Forward.
As all its electric vehicles will not be required during the summer for refuse collection, the Hackney Borough Council proposes to use some of them for street-watering purposes, and for this reason the works committee recommends that the tender of Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., to provide six sets of water tanks and sprinklers, at a cost of £80 10s. per set, be accepted. Two vehicles are to be provided with tipping bodies, the tender of Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., at £105 per body being recommended for acceptance.
Stirling and Its Bridges.
Stirling is in the happy position of having two bridges, standing almost side by side, over the River Forth. Only one of them is ever used, the second, which is of considerable antiquity, having long been closed to all traffic. It is now proposed that this structure also should be made available for both vehicles and foot passengers. It is strong and 'substantial, having been thoroughly restored shortly before the war by WM. Office of Works. This step, if carried into effect, will relieve the newer structure of much of its congestion and go a long way towards solving the cross-river problem, so far as Stirling is concerned.
Bournemouth and Bus By.laws.
At a meeting of the Bournemouth Corporation a letter from the Ministry of Health was dealt with, in which reference was made to the Departmental Committee established by the Ministry of Transport, the work of which was now in an advanced stage, and suggesting for the council's consideration that it might well postpone these detailed by-laws for a short time in order to see whether the committee's report leads to any general alteration of the position.
Licence Holders Wanted.
ILM. Consul at Liege, Belgium, reports that the new regulations dealing with the use of motor vehicles in that country will call for the supply of licence holders similar to those which are in use in Great Britain.
Those British manufacturers who are in a position to meet the demand can obtain further particulars on application to the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, 5.W.1, quoting reference A.X.1870.
The Range of Jowett Vans.
Jowett Cars, Ltd., Bradford Road, Idle, Bradford, have just issued a new leaflet which deals with the company's various commercial models. The Jowett van is available in several sizes for loads of from 2 cwt. to 5 cwt, the smallest vehicle being styled a parcelcar. There is also another commercial model built very much on the lines of the ordinary car, in which a boot at the rear, with an interior space of 13 cu. ft., can be used to carry 1i cwt. of samples. This vehicle is very suitable for commercial travellers.
AU Stop When the Trams Stop. At a meeting of the London County Council, Mr. Blake inquired of the chairman of the highways committee :
(1) Whether he is aware that in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee there are by-laws or regulations to the effect that where a tramear is stationary for the purpose of taking up or setting down passengers, motorists intending to pass on the left-hand side of the road must draw up and wait until the roadway is clear of passengers boarding or alighting from such tramcar ; and (2) whether, in view of the fact that • so many accidents occur in the County of London in the absence of such regulations, he will bring the matter to the attention of the advisory committee of the Ministry of Transport with a view to such regulations being made for London?
Mr. Matthews replied that there were 824 such regulations in Scottish towns, but, so far, the Ministry of Transport had not seen its way to sanction similar regulations for London, although the matter was still being considered by the advisory committee.
Lanark Bus Owners Co-operating.
An interesting departure, so far as Scotland is concerned, is about to be tested by the Lanarkshire motorbus proprietors. At a well-attended meeting they recently decided to form themselves into a mechanical road transport association, which will embrace the whole county and surrounding districts.
The main purpose of the scheme is the co-ordination of services, so as to avoid the clashing of time-tables and every tendency to undue competition. For some time back various complaints have been made by the road authorities in this area that racing and other objectionable practices were regularly indulged in between Glasgow and different
Lanarkshire centres. These were vigorously denied by the vehicle owners, and it is with a view to restoring public confidence and conclusively refuting ' the charges that the new co-operative organization has been brought into existence.
Parking at Luton.
Luton Corporation has asked a committee to consider alterations in Park Square so as to improve the accommodation for omnibus passengers, and the possibility of providing a suitable parking place for motor vehicles.
Glasgow Bus Services.
The Tramways Committee of the Glasgow Corporation has received a report from the towli clerk as to. the powers of the corporation with regard to omnibuses, and arranged to meet representatives of the proprietors of the buses running to and from the city regarding the operation of such services.
Charles Rickards, Ltd., inform us that they have recently opened new showrooms at Stanhope Garage, Lancaster Gate, London, W.
Local • Proceedings.
Gravesend Corporation has arranged for a trial of a Karrier street-sweeping machine.
Gravesend Corporation has deferred for the present a proposal to purchase another motor lorry.
The Cardiff City Council's fleet of motorbuses is at present travelling 1,025 miles per day more than 12 months ago.
Chorley Corporation has empowered its transport committee to purchase a motor vehicle for the sanitary department.
The works committee of the Willesden Council recomMends the purchase of a steam gully emptier at a coat of f1,100.
The tramways committee of the Morecambe Corporation is inviting tenders for the supply of two single-deck motor omnibuses.
A committee of the Hastings Corporation recommends that the corporation should seek power to establish motor bus services. • Cape Town Corporation has ordered the purchase of a 50-55 h.p. motor engine for the fire-brigade to replace one damaged beyond repair.
The London County Council has made an allowance hi estimates for the provision of six transport vehicles for welding sets for the tramways department.
Newbury Corporation has hired for a week's trial a low-loading refuse-collecting motor vehicle at a charge of £7 10s., the corporation providing oil and petrol.
The surveyor to the Shipley -Urban District Council has obtained Prices and particulars of motor street-sweeping machines, and a sub-committee has been asked to inspect Vehicles.
The works committee of the Battersea Council recommends acceptance of the tender of Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., at £323 for the supply of a 42-in, motor mowing machine for use at lVforden cemetery.
The cleansing committee of the Glasgow Corporation is inviting tenders for the supply of .mechanical vehicles in connection with a new scheme of refuse collection and removal for Govan. The type of vehicle has not yet been decided , upon.
Wiltshire County Council has just placed an order for 12 B.X.-type 2i-tou Thornycroft chassis, fitted with hydraulically operated tipping bodies. These vehicles are to be used in connection with road repair and maintenance work in the county...
York City Council is inviting quotations for the supply of three 20-seater one-man-controlled petrol motorbuses. We-intimated that these vehicles would be required in the article on the coon-. cil's bus services which appeared in our Special Passenger Vehicle Issue published last week.
Fire-fighting Equipment for Porthcawl.
Negotiations are taking place between Leyland Motors, Ltd., and the South Wales Fire Brigade Association, on the one hand, •and the Porthcawl -Urban District Council on the other, anent. the provision of certain types of fire-fighting • equipment at the Glamorgan seaside resort.