A Rapid-discharge Fuel Pump of Robust Design.
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THE underground system of storage is now generally' recognized as the best and safest method of dealing with inflammable liquids in bulk, and for storing petrol in quantities road transport users have long since acknowledged its merits. Where many motor vehicles are in regular service and the daily consumption of fuel is considerable, the use of a self-measuring pump drawing its supplies from an underground tank possesses advantages which are clearly apparent.
. In the first place it minimizes the risk of 'wastage through. careless handling whilst, if the pump be of an efficient and, approved pattern, it enables . the issue of supplies to be 'carefully checked and accurate m.p.g. data thus obtained for individual machines. That is the case for the large user, but it is equally imperative that the smaller user who may secure his supplies from a local garage or filling station should be in a position to know that he is ebtaining full measure.
A company who market a comprehenSive range of bulk storage equipment are the Milwaukee Tank Works, Inc., whose installations are largely used throughout the United States. They have headquarters in this country at Abbey House, Westminster, London, S.W.1, from which address they are prepared to advise vehicle owners and also those who administer to their fuel requirements on the type_ of installation beat suited to their specific needs.
The pump which the company style Type 261 should prove a popular one, particnlarly for -kerbside use, as it is 1128 of robust design and enables fuel to be discharged at a rate of 15 gallons per minute. It is a hand-operated appliance which, externally, follows, with but few exceptions, the conventional type of pump, but which, it is claimed, possesses several exclusive features itt the construe:don and arrangement of its internal parts.
It is provided with adjustable measuring stops mounted on a ball-bearing guid e, which enable one, two, three, four or five gallons (or fractions of a gallon) to be accurately discharged, slightly over 12 turns of the crank resulting in five gallons being delivered. The use of machine-cut steal gears in the pump cad, a rack mounted on roller bearings, and hand-ground bronze valves contribute to the ease with which the pumping operations can be effected. Two large dials, each registering in quarts up to 20 gallons, are fitted in the body of the pump, and they are illuminated at night by electric lamps disposed in the upper part of the appliance. They afford ocular proof of the amount of fuel delivered by the pump.
The recording meter on this type of Milwaukee pump provides a mechanical check on every gallon of motor spirit discharged up to 100,000 gallops, aftdr which it returns to zero and cannot be set back. The meter cannot be read without opening up the .front of the pump, for a looked cover plate obscures it from view. The pump can, of course, be operated without opening the housing.
The pump is fitted with a large, finemesh filter which separates water, dirt and other impurities from the fuel. The spirit is delivered through 10 ft. of 1i-in. steel-lined hose, and suitable arrangements are made for draining to prevent rotting.
All the operating parts of the pump are completely enclosed. A visible indicator enables the flow of spirit to he followed, and should there be any leakage in the pipe lines or connections, the operator is thus acquainted of the fact.
For use with this type of pump, cylindrical tanks ranging in capacity from 250 gallons to 5,000 gallons are available.
We have chosen to deal briefly with some of the constructional features of a single type of Milwaukee pump whieh possesses an all-round commercial application, but the company can supply a wide-range of equipment.