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David loath his sling

30th March 1979, Page 38
30th March 1979
Page 38
Page 38, 30th March 1979 — David loath his sling
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

A young man described in Guardian as a "haulage age' has founded a new politi party, the Christian DemocrE He is David Hardwick and h( operating from Mansfield.

The haulier's instincts seen in the party's aim to de lop individualism in members. If they are all as rt gedly independent as mi hauliers, David is creatinc Goliath that is likely to give h a sound drubbing.

He says the new party v reflect the public rejection strong party allegiance. fl policy could also stem from haulier's experience. No pol cal party, once it was in pow has ever shown much sympatl for road transport, and transpc associations have refrained frc close party affiliation wh avoiding outright enmity excE when obliged to do so.

Edward Heath and oth Conservatives promised befc and after coming to power they would repeal the provisio of the Transport Act, 1968, special authorisations. Thi never did.

A politician's word is, course, his [premium] bOnd; tl odds against it are about a m lion to one. But that is probab all part of the rich fabric political life for the enthusiast David Hardwick, who said: look on party political broa casts in the same way that a I of people would look on -11Sweeney."

That's enough to put anyor off.