Interesting Homemarket Statistics
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THE Home Market Analysis (No. 5) published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., 83, Pall Mall, London, $.W.1, and available for sale at 2s. 6d., •shovvs that at February 28th, 1931, there were 341,768 goods •vehicles, 23,806 Government and municipal vehicles, 76,265 hackneys and 2,217 agricultural and haulage tractors in 11Se in Great Britain, as compared with respectively 329,316, 22,124, 80,200 and 2,375 in 1930. The decline in hackneys is noticeable.
The new registrations of internalcombustion-type goods vehicles in the year 1930 (totalling 51,878) are divided among unladen-weight classes as fol
low :-17p to 12 cwt., 3,029-; 12 cwt. to 1 ton, 10,236; 1 ton to if ton, 16,946; 11 ton to 2 tons, 14,036; 2 tons to 3 tons, 3,619; 3 tons to 4 tons, 1,333; 4 tons to 5 tons, 1,410; over 5 tons, 1,082; agricultural vans and lorries, 176; showmen's special vehicles, 11. In addition there were 423 steam and 69 electric vehicles.
The new registrations in Great Britain of hackneys in the year 1930 (totalling 9,716) are divided among
seating capacities as follow :-Up to 4 persons, 1,118; 4 to 8 persons, 200; 3 to 14 persons, 1,244; 14 to 20, 1,219; 20 to 26, 1,018; 26 to 32, 2,641; 32 to 40, 454;40 to 48, 453 ;48 to 56, 1,115; 56 to 64, 1.65; over 64, 11; trackless trolley-buses, 78.
The total imports of commercial vehicles and chassis in 1930, with countries of origin, were as follow, the figure of 1,527 comparing with 16,264 in 1929 :-Belgium, 5; Canada, 14; France, 214; Germany, 25; Irish Free State, 13; Italy, 11; Switzerland, 20; U.S.A., 1,872; other countries, 1; total, 1,685-less re-exports, 158; net total, 1,527.