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A number of questions have appeared in your Q &

30th July 1971, Page 43
30th July 1971
Page 43
Page 43, 30th July 1971 — A number of questions have appeared in your Q &
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A page regarding speed 'nits and you recently published a table 'towing limits for vehicles towing trailers. owever, the more I read of these the more am confused. . . . Could you possibly set :it the speed limits for all types of vehicles one time so that they can be compared?

We agree there has been confusion on the speed limits and in fact the table you ferred to (CM May 21) was incorrect in that e speed limits on motorways for goods hides not exceeding 3 tons unladen drawing

iOds-carrying trailers and non-goods-carrying

tilers should have read 40 mph not 70 mph. However, we have obtained the following list speed limits applicable to goods vehicles, ictors, locomotives and special types vehicles erating both on normal roads and on )torways:—