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Econofreight in record book bid

30th January 1992
Page 15
Page 15, 30th January 1992 — Econofreight in record book bid
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/ Heavy haulier Econofreight is making a bid for the record books next month by transporting the heaviest single load ever moved along a major road.

The cargo in question is a 2,000-tonne bridge section over the M4. It is due for demolition and will be the first motorway bridge to be lifted from its supports in one piece.

Over the weekend of 28 February-1 March Econofreight will move the bridge 41cm down the motorway to a layby for demolition.

Removing the bridge rather than blowing it up on the spot means the motorway will be closed for 12 hours instead of five days, says the DTp.

If the operation is a success the DTp will use the same technique to replace many more motorway bridges as part of an extensive motorway-widening programme.

CM will be running pictures of the mighty move in our 5-11 March issue.