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International Show For Containers

2nd September 1949
Page 32
Page 32, 2nd September 1949 — International Show For Containers
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A N International Container Exhibit "-Ilion has been organized by the International Container Bureau, 38, Cours Albert ler, Paris (8), France. It will include demonstrations of the latest container models and handling devices, and will be staged at the Salon de l'Emballage (Pare des Expositions, Porte de Versailles) from October 6-16. Space has been allocated to exhibitors from Britain, France; Belgium, Spain and Germany, and the French Railways will apply its special tariff for exhibitions to the transport of the exhibits— this means that_ single rate will cover them for the return journey.

Members of the Bureau must give notification, by Septer0er 15, of their wish to be represented, together with information as to the exhibits and to the demonstrations to which they will lend themselves.


DURING the month of July this year. C licences were issued for 9,108 vehicles, of which 2,633 were for existing fleets and 6,475 for new operators. The number of new operators for the month was 4,483.

A total of 2,439 vehicles was licensed for retail-delivery work, and 2,178 to operate within a 25-mile radius, leaving a remainder of 3,390 other vehicles. compared with 3,991 for the previous month.

The July figures bring the grand .total of C-licence vehicles to 643,877, of which 353,850 have capacities of 30 cwt, or less.


THE time-table of classeg in transport subjects at the City Of London College has now been issued for the "session starting on September 26. Classes are available for students preparing for the Institute of Transport graduate and associate examinations, and lectures are given weekly. Enrolment takes place on September 19 for old students, and on September 20 and 21 for new students.