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Halifax to Modify its Ticket System

2nd September 1949
Page 32
Page 32, 2nd September 1949 — Halifax to Modify its Ticket System
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SYSTEMS of ticket-issuing have recently been under review at Halifax. The internal " A" routes are to be equipped with Ultimate machines, but in view of the higher denominations and greater variety of tickets required for the " B" serviees, it is intended to adhere to the old system of preprinted tickets and puncher. There will, however, be an important modification.

Each conductor on entering the service will be given a ticket box which will be permanently and solely for his own use. There will be no making-up of ticket stocks in the office, as it will be the conductor's responsibility to indent for what tickets he wants each day to maintain his stock. Ticket boxes will not be examined when conductors pay in, but there will be spot checks. from time to time, It is hoped by this method to save labour in the office, to keep down stocks of tickets and to minimize disputes and queries between conductors and office staff, SHELL CHEMICAL TANKERS

NEW A.E.C. Monarch Mk. III tankers have recently been delivered to Shell Chemicals, Ltd. The vehicles have a wheelbase of 14 ft. 7 ins., and 7.7-litre engines with Simms injection and electrical equipment.

The tanks are divided into four compartments—two of 500and two of 400-gallons capacity, making a total of 1,800 gallons. Four different solvents may be carried and four delivery pipelines are provided on each side of the vehicle, incorporating accurate recording instruments, measuring to one-tenth of a gallon.

Finished in standard Shell Chemical colours of yellow and red, the tanks. delivery hoses and meters are enclosed by the skirt panelling. A ladder giving access to the manhole is enclosed in the downward extension of the tank spine. The design and construction of the tanks, delivery pipe layout and panelling were carried out by • Thompson Bros. (Bilston), Ltd., in conjunction with Shell engineers.


THE German motor industry, never fully mobilized during the war, was able to continue research between 1939 and 1945, and in some directions was ahead of progress in this country. A report covering this and other aspects of the motor industry has been prepared by Mr. Maurice 011ey, chief research engineeer of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., and is published by H.M. 'Stationery Office, price 2s,


THE possibility of designing a torsion bar which is so short that it can be mounted across the open end of a wishbone, is envisaged by George Salter and Co., Ltd., West Bromwich, following the production of a rectangular-section laminated bar as a substitute for the conventional round bar. The spring is


to be exhibited at the forthcoming Motor Show, mounted on a demonstration rig with a similarly loaded roundbar layout beside it so that comparisons between the two systems can be made.

The particular advantage of a laminated bar which may render the proposed type of mounting possible, is the lower spring rate for a given length, as compared with that of a round bar, and this is shown by the relative measurements of the two springs, the round bar being approximately 40 per cent, longer than the laminated. Central anchorage is employed, and the distribution of stress over the two working springs so formed—each with six or more separate leaves—will increase the safety factor, Pronounced selfdamping action is another characteristic, and this function could undoubtedly be varied by introducing inter-leaf liners.

Reduced production cost is an important feature of the spring. Simple clamping is employed to anchor the centre and the two ends, without the expensive necessity of end-forming or machining. The thinness of the individual strips will also aid production economy and facilitate quantity production of uniformly high-grade units.


ATHIRD new West Midland group has come into being with the registration as a company of South Staffs Independent Road Transport, Ltd. The secretary is Mr. J. H. Miers, of Miers Transport, Ltd., Wolverhampton. About 80 vehicles are operated by the group.